Not Considering

Mobile apps are not something we will develop through the appstore team.  Language Cloud already has apps for IOS and Android and these are more likely to become the way to tackle a requirement like this.

mobile app for previewing sdlxliff/package files

It would be great to have a mobile app that would make it possible to preview sdlxliff files and packages on your phone. That way one could accept a task even without having access to the computer at the moment.

  • Hullo, well done, Marcin, I warmly endorse such an improvement. I think a mobile app should also include any format that is not immediately readable, TTX or straight XML, native XLIFF, or even straight-text views of PPT. I daresay these could be "plumbed in" progressively as the relevant capabilities are developed.

    With kind regards,

    and keep up the thinking :)

    Adam Warren.

  • Hullo, well done, Marcin, I warmly endorse such an improvement. I think a mobile app should also include any format that is not immediately readable, TTX or straight XML, native XLIFF, or even straight-text views of PPT. I daresay these could be "plumbed in" progressively as the relevant capabilities are developed.

    With kind regards,

    and keep up the thinking :)

    Adam Warren.

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