Idea Delivered

Hi Travis,

With GroupShare 2017 SR1 you can have pre-assignments stored in the Project Template from Studio. Or in Studio 2017 SR1, during project creation define the assignee.


Being able to assign phases during projection creation in GS2017

It would be nice to make phase assignments to different users during project creation along with due dates for each phase.
I currently can create a project in GS2017, which is nice, but I have to go the extra step to go into Studio and assign each phase to a user for each file. 
This additional function would save time in project creation.

  • Hi Travis, on studio project crated, you can assign users to every step when crating project. if you have some users that they always/regularly perform task you can save this into project template so you don't need to set it every time.

    or you can mange this phases on GS dashboard with drag and drop between phases.



  • Hi Travis, on studio project crated, you can assign users to every step when crating project. if you have some users that they always/regularly perform task you can save this into project template so you don't need to set it every time.

    or you can mange this phases on GS dashboard with drag and drop between phases.



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