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  • Link resource option under users

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi all, from a usability point of view the "link resource" option in the User tab doesn't make sense, why not somewhere in the resources tab? Regards, Bruno Ciola
  • Merge files to publish

    • Under Community Review on
    This is an idea between GS and Desktop. If you have to mange a big project (I mean with a big number of files, typically xml projects) could be very important merge files in order to publish few (or less) files than source. I had an experience with a...
  • Checking the free TU capacity of the TM server should be moved to overnight maintenance task

    • New on
    • 1 Comment
    Working with Trados Studio (any version) and connecting to a server based translation memory users can get annoyed and frustrated by the very "nice" warning message. As such message show "out of the blue" after may years of cooperation, lingusits get...
  • GS - Enhance Language Pairs sorting in Projects view

    • New on
    Currently, Language Pairs in project view sort only by source, not source + target. Since for most client there is only one source language in most cases, such sorting is not very useful. What would be useful is enabling sorting by source + target language...
  • Filtering of TMs in GroupShare Cloud - allow option to hide Project TMs

    • Planned for Future Release on
    In Studio there is an option to show or hide Project TMs from GroupShare Cloud when setting up/editing the language resources for a project, making it relatively easy to find the required TM. However, when using GroupShare Cloud directly to look for a...
  • SDL Trados GroupShare Online Editor - Extend list of shortcuts available

    • Planned for Future Release on
    • 1 Comment
    Hi! Right now, there is no shortcut to, say, set the status of the translated segment to “Translation Approved/Rejected” or else. This needs to be added. The list of available shortcuts needs to be extended, too. Shortcuts in SDL Online Editor https...
  • Replace NTLM through Kerberos

    • Under Community Review on
    For Security Reasons, it would be greatful, if the communication to the database Server would be over Kerberos. At the Moment with Groupshare 2017, the following Services (SDL Excecution Service and SDL TMService Agent) communicate over NTML. If a...
  • Adding a way to import/export full language resource from one server to another

    • Planned for Future Release on
    Dear all, we are migrating data from one server to another and we were wondering which is the fastest way to migrate Language Resource Templates from one GS server to another. We know you can import: - abbreviations - ordinals - variables ...
  • Exclude certain fields in Project TM

    • Under Community Review on
    According to SDL Support it's not possible to exclude fields in the Project TMs I send out. I would like to have an option on GroupShare or in Studio to exclude at least custom fields and if possible also system fields to anonymize the data I send out...
  • Change select behaviour in Resources (TM) tab

    • Planned for Future Release on
    Hi all, when you filter in the Translation Memory tab and select some objects, then Change filter and want to perform other Operations (Import/Export/delete etc) the objects you selected before are still "selected". So either you delete more objects...