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A better management for the users names (appearing in the remarks)

Let's take into consideration this case study.

John is a professional translator, and he has a laptop. His laptop is a multipurpose laptop, there he has the videos from his family, his pictures, games and also he has there installed SDL Trados 2017

The day John bought the laptop, he was bored and thought a funny name would be nice as user name, so he selected Grumpy Dumpy.

Today, John have received a very urgent order from a big agency (this is a big customer, and this is important). He wants to make a professional job and create a good impression in his customer. The assigned translation is a very technical engineering translation, and John will need to apply some remarks to different segments in the translation explaining why is better this terminology instead a different terminology or translation.

John apply the remarks and send the translation.

  • When this important agency open the translation and see the commentaries, observe the name of the user and see Grumpy Dumpy.
  • John, alias Grumpy Dumpy, the professional translator.
  • Automatically, John will not receive orders anymore from this agency, because this is not serious at all.

For that reason is very important Trados do not use the User name in Windows when applying remarks, and allow the users to use a different user name that you should be able to create or delete in Trados in a very easy way.

Also, because there are cases in which the wife and the husband (both) are translators, and have different users names, but both share the same machine. For that reason, John cannot be Grace when creating a remark (that would be embarrassing). Of course Windows allows you to log in with different names, and handle different users, but in the real llife, inside the family, this is not necessary and most of the times, the laptop is there, opened, everyone can access to it and use the software inside it.

For that reason, inside Trados, you should be able to create, edit and modify users names, and then, applying the remarks using the user name you want from a list.

It should be as easy as this, instead taking the Windows user name, because in real life, people share the laptops and PCs.

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