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A bug detected in 2021 version

Dear Team,

Looks like there is a bug in 2021 version. 

I was trying to export excel files from 2021 studio version but received error messages.   
Then, I have tried to process same files on older version and targets file are working well. 

I remember such issues existed in 2017 version. Hope you manage to fix this soon.



  • The error message is saying "failed to save target file. The file is corrupted"
    However, I managed to export on of the files, but I cannot open the target file with an error saying "we found a problem with some content in xxxxx.xlsx. Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can? if you trust the source of this workbook, click yes" and then the document become empty with no data.

  • It would help if you could screen-capture the messages if they differ, or submit just one example if they repeat themselves. My experience with Studio 2019 and earlier shows that a temporary file is generated, which the generate-target-file command seeks in order to work. The workaround is to enter the relevant "fixed" file in the dialogue box, in place of the temporary file. I suggest you refer to the Studio Community forum, using as your search key the error message identifier. This unfortunate placing of the reference file in a temporary folder has already attracted calls to SDL for reform. I hope I am not wasting your time or laying a wrong trail. In any event, follow up the Studio Community's suggestions with the right search parameters. I hope this may help. Keep well and in good spirits.

    With kind regards, AHW.

  • What was the actual error message, what did it say?

    Looking forward to reading soon, with kind regards, AHW.