Under Community Review

ability to tag a term or part of text in source so it doesn't get translated by MT

Sometimes you are translating a manual in which terms are referencing an actual hardware/software user interface item and should stay as they are.

SDL language cloud and most of the other Machine Translation services tend to translate those along with the rest of the text. In reality that means double-trouble.

I feel the need for a Select & Tag system that then allows for that specific part to be filtered and transported as is to the target.

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  • Thanks for taking the time. Actually, that was an interesting comment you had there even though it might not be of much help in this situation but nonetheless I learned something new. Appreciated.

    My idea can even be thought of as a mean of implicitly training the MT system to check the context and look the other way when it seems to be something that is referenced and is not in need of translation.