Under Community Review

Add a column with the name of the TM used in the Translation Results window.

I saw a similar idea that talked about MT engines used in the Translation Results window. I think that's a great idea, being able to see at a glance the origin of all matches without having to click specifically in each of them. However, I wanted to expand the idea to different Translation Memories as well.

t would be awesome if you had another column (as it is now, you only have 2 columns: Source and Target). Adding a third column at the right saying which Translation Memory or MT Engine you are using would be fantastic. I often work with several Translation Memories in my projects at the same time, but some are more reliable than others (for example, I usually work with 3 Translation Memories at the same time: one translation memory from the client, one coming from old projects for the same client that I keep in my own PC, and the current TM for the project I am working, Of course, the most reliable TM would be the one I am creating myself, and the least would be the one from previous projects. That is, a 80% translation from a realiable source would be more useful (in terms of terminology used, at least) than a 90% less realiable source.


And I can't solve this with a Penalty bonus to the unreliable source because, sometimes the unrealiable source IS not that bad in a particular segment. What would be great would be the ability to see, at a glance, the procedence for each Translation Memory match. That way I can visually go to the ones I feel more confident with, and then I can proceed to the less reliable ones, without the problem of having to place a penalty for each TM (which is not appropiate as a Penalty is something fixed, a tranlation from an unreliable source might be perfect, I don't want it pushed back to the end or gone from view!)

And if you could present the  matches in the Translation Memory in different colours, that would be exceptional.