Idea Delivered

This works already today. Depending on how you configure the file type (such as e.g. Microsoft Word), you can a) extract hyperlinks and then b) these will be shown at the end of the paragraph they appear in as extra segments. These extra segments are fully editable in the Editor, and so you can change the hyperlinks here as required.

Add hyperlink tags to target which don't exist in source

The idea is that we should be able to have different hyperlink tags in the target segment than in the source (e.g. source refers to English web site while the translation refers to the web site in the target language). This seems to be impossible at the moment, and requires editing in the post-processed files.

  • This is already possible. If the source contains a hyperlink, the address is usually extracted separately as well in the next paragraph unit. You can change the value of the address and that will be stored in the translated file.

  • This reminds me of the fact that, in my use of Studio, I am always faulted on the omission of hard spaces before colons and semicolons when translating from French (hard spaces required) into English (semicolon and colon are stuck to the preceding word).

    Another problem I have is with currencies and dates, which I haven't been able to program so as to avoid unnecessary accumulations of error messages on conducting checks on the translation.

    I have tried tinkering with the options, but to no avail so far.

    Having said that, I endorse Marta's suggestion for hyperlinks, provided the target link can be programmed as an acceptable exception, and also provided the target-language link is supplied by the client, or agreed with it beforehand.

    Keep well, with kind regards and best wishes to you all,
