Under Community Review

Add the language code of a return package to the return package file name by default

When creating project packages, the project manager has two options: creating one package with all the project languages (one or more) or creating a package for every project language. Regardless of this setting, return packages always feature the project name without any language code. It would be great if the file names of the return packages could feature the language code of the target language by default, because it would simplify the handling of multiple files from different translators, which would otherwise all have the same file name. In my experience, translators don't bother with changing the default file name and project managers often don't rename them either, but save them to different subfolders featuring the target language code. And since an e-mail client such as Outlook allows identical file names in the attachment, I have to save each and every one, renaming them, without knowing the target language. Or I have to unpack several zip files containing return packages with identical file names.

Considering the many problems that would be prevented by adding the target language code to the default return package file name, I think this would be a very useful addition.

  • This is older, but wouldn't it make sense to just retain the original file name but with the return package extension? In the end, the project manager who sent out the package made a decision to name the package a certain way, so why would the translator end change the name? I like the date/time stamp in the file name, but the lack of language code is annoying. I am getting 10 return packages for the different languages all with the same name.

  • This is older, but wouldn't it make sense to just retain the original file name but with the return package extension? In the end, the project manager who sent out the package made a decision to name the package a certain way, so why would the translator end change the name? I like the date/time stamp in the file name, but the lack of language code is annoying. I am getting 10 return packages for the different languages all with the same name.

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