Under Community Review

Allow export/import of custom segmentation rules or even better, export/import of user custom settings

Some of us have quite a lot of custom segmentation rules beyond the default ones in Studio. Especially if you're translating software, you end up with rules for segmenting tags like \t, \n, <li> etc etc

But you can't save/export/import them so whenever you move computers or have to do a re-install, you have to re-write them all which is a pain. It would be a great time saver if you could export them and then re-import them.

Or even better, put user custom settings into a profile or something that can be imported/exported. I've ended up with so many tweaks I've had to write them down. A user profile would be so much easier.

  • Also, Language Resource Templates are created "per language". On the contrary, Segmentation Rules are dependent on the type of text, mostly language independent. Placing Segmentation Rules under Language Resources forces the translator to recreate the segmentation rules for each source language, which is impractical.

  • I'm having a bit of a facepalm moment. Just where is it obvious to *any* user that the way to export and import a TM is via a "Language Resource Template" (whatever that is) as opposed to hitting the very obvious Import/Export buttons? If that is "the way to do it", why is this not built into the export/import as an option? There seems to be a bit of an assumption that we all (should) have a PhD in Studio...

  • , if you created your new TM on the basis of an existing Language Resource Template then you would just import your TMX into that.

    , you're right and you can deal with this in two ways.  Share a Language resource Template that contains all of your rules but no Translation Units, and if you receive a TM from a colleague why would you want to change the segmentation rules for it?  You would segment the files with your own resources and just use their TM for the resources.

    , I definitley think we need a better app for handling maintenance tasks for all resources on a TM... or something built into the sofwtare which would be better and would get my vote.  I think the reason this discussion is happenning right now is because the reason for the idea in this thread is flawed.  You don't lose these rules during a reinstall.

  • Paul, because sometimes you have to do an export of the TM as a tmx and then re-import the tmx because the sdltm file somehow ended up buggy. Before I did the sdltm > tmx > sdltm I did try just uninstalling but that didn't work so I had to go via tmx.

  • Emma Goldsmith mentioned a workaround over @ www.proz.com/.../283984-abbreviation_list_sdl_trados_studio_2014.html for importing abbreviations lists (which I would love to be able to do) … but I can't get it to work. Anyone here know of any other tricks? I'd like to add a relatively long list of Dutch abbreviations myself.

    Sounds like a great idea for a new App!