Idea Delivered

Has been delivered with Studio 2019.

(Previous note: 

Hi  - the Find feature that supports regex and that is available in Editor view is also available in Translation Memories view. So does using Ctrl+F with regular expressions work for you? Thanks, Daniel)

Allow RegEx for searches in Translation Memories pane

I find very frustrating the fact that, whereas in the Editor pane Regular Expressions can be used for searching in files, we have to be content with a pair of wildcards for Translation Memories. Please allow RegEx also for searches in Translation Memories. It would be of great help when performing maintenance tasks for TMs.

Thanks for considering,



  • Sure, it works, but only performing a searching page by page and asking each time "Finished searching current page. Do you wish to continue searching the next page?" So imagine your TM is over 150,000 TUs...

    If would be perfect if the search with RegEx would work like a real search-filter, with conditions for "source text" and "target text". Perform Search should deliver only tha segments fulfilling the patterns.