Under Community Review

API enhancements / Verification Messages / IntegrationApi.Document

There does not seem to be a way to access the messages from the IntegrationApi.Document, that are reported through the message service -> generated from the project API batch tasks (Verify). The message service is accessible from the batch task / GlobalVerifier implmentation, but not easy to access otherwise.

As a developer, I would like to have access to reading, addding & updating the verification messages that are associated with the segments from the editor. This would allow me to develop a plugin that reads the verification messages associated with the ISegmentPair as a user is iterating over the document segments and identify whether or not the verification message have been ‘Ignored’ (i.e. managed through IgnoreMessagesData).



  • Recover a list of the verification messages on the document/segment
  • Subscribe to an event that is raised when the user clicks the buttons from the verification dialog (i.e. ‘Ignore’, ‘Restore’, ‘Ignore All’ etc…)
  • Add new messages or Remove/Ignore/Restore existing verification messages