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Assign a Studio package to a generic user by default

Dear development team, when creating a project package, the assignment of said package to a user is mandatory. If for example an agency doesn’t bother with assigning the packages to specific users (or the user is not yet determined when the package is created), one can add a generic user, "Translator".

Trados Studio Ideas 'Users' dialog box showing a generic user named 'Translator' with empty email, phone, and description fields.

Unfortunately, the "Assign to" field is empty by default, which means the package creator needs to select a user for every single package he or she creates. Especially for projects with many target languages, this leads to a lot of clicks, which would not be necessary if the field weren't empty by default.

Create Project Package window with 'Assign to' field highlighted, showing it is empty by default and requires manual input for each package.

Could the "Assign to" field be made to work similarly to the "Customer" field in the project details when creating a new project, where the first entry (by alphabet) in the list is selected automatically?

Project details dialog box with 'Customer' field showing a dropdown menu where the first entry is selected automatically.

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