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Automated TM anonymization – TU system field update restriction


We would need an app/mechanism to restrict writing of TUs to specified system fields (e.g. restrict "created by" (if possible, leave it empty) or use a pre-defined pseudonym during translation; especially relevant for GroupShare TMs; e.g. by Studio/GroupShare project setting) for better and easier data protection. It has to be ensured that various translation vendors/users do not see personal data of each other and the manual post-process (using the the SDLTM Anonymizer) could be automated/eliminated. It might only be a pseudonym that can be easily decrypted if you have the corresponding key (e.g. as corporate customer assigning the work to a translation vendor; if possible, by a batch process). Use case: Different vendors using a TM used by multiple users/vendors should not be able to tell who translated it and the plain names of the people should not be in the project files used for TM update or later in the system fields of the TM. If needed, the corporate customer who assigned the work should be able to decrypt the data/pseudonym(s). The system fields could also remain empty/with a dummy user value that can be set/decrypted by the corporate customer in cases of liability .

Best regards,

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