Under Community Review

Automatic insertion of leading and trailing tags in high fuzzy matches

Studio does an excellent job of removing tags before offering a high fuzzy match (99%), but the opposite is not true, most of the time tags must be added manually. While it may be tricky for Studio to determine the proper placement of tags inside the segment, it would be great if at least leading and trailing tags were automatically when the fuzzy match is populated (either during pre-translation or interactive translation).


An example of tags being removed from the fuzzy match result (99% match):

Screenshot of Trados Studio showing a segment with a 99% fuzzy match. Tags are removed from the source to the target segment, indicating manual tag addition may be needed.


Same segment, other way round:

Screenshot of Trados Studio displaying a segment with a 94% fuzzy match. Tags are present in the source but missing in the target segment, suggesting manual tag insertion is required.