Under Community Review

Automatic switch from "Termbase Search" to "Term Recognition" at move to next segment

Many translators would like the Term lookup to work like the TM lookup.
If a translator does a Concordance Search in a segment, and then moves to the next segment, if there is a TM match, Studio will automatically switch from the Concordance Search window to the Term Recognition window.
On the contrary, if a translator does manual Termbase Search and then moves to the next segment, Studio will not automatically switch from Termbase Search window to the Term Recognition window, even if there is a Termbase match.
It would be good, if this Studio behaviour could be changed in a future version of Studio.
There is obviously the option to arrange Term Recognition window and the Termbase Search window in such a way that both windows are visible all the time, but re-arranging window panes in Studio is not straight-forward, if you have not done this before.