Under Community Review

Batch mode for adding/deleting TMs


When creating a new project based on a legacy project, all the TMs associated with the legacy project are displayed. In case they are not needed anymore, they have to be removed one by one, which can be time-consuming when multiple TMs have been associated.

Expected behavior:

User should be able to add and/or remove multiple TMs at once.


Screenshot of Trados Studio Ideas showing the Translation Memories and Automated Translation section with a list of TMs for a new project based on a legacy project.


  • Moreover, you cannot - as far as I can see - use the keyboard to move up and down the list, because the list itself appears to lose focus. Would like the developers and product manager to give proper consideration to the "multiple TM" scenario, which is one I face on a daily basis.

  • Moreover, you cannot - as far as I can see - use the keyboard to move up and down the list, because the list itself appears to lose focus. Would like the developers and product manager to give proper consideration to the "multiple TM" scenario, which is one I face on a daily basis.

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