Under Community Review

Better recognition of compound terms

I don't want to rewrite again the problem with Studio's recognition of longer terms, so I will just include the link to the thread I started about this nightmare of mine...



  • Hi, as far as I remember the terms didn't show up in upLIFT fragments.

    I actually went back to Studio 2015 and use it now, because it displays numbers via Regex Autosuggest while 2017 doesn't (some bug). But I'm sure you're aware of this problem.

  • Do such terms show up in upLIFT fragments now, have you tested this by any chance (if you are on Studio 2017)? We are also very aware of this and looking at changing underlying recognition algorithm as part of working on future terminology management offerings. In fact we are using your example, among many others. So stay tuned not for the immediate future but soon-ish I hope.