Idea Delivered

Setting "Idea Delivered" following the comments for now. Thanks, Daniel

Change save destination for target files

The default folder structure according to project languages is a good idea, but saving the target files with the sdlxliff files is not.

In case of projects with many files and many target languages preparing the target files for the customer can be a pain, because you have to copy them around, creating a new folder structure in order to compress them without including the sdlxliff files as well.

  • Hi Julia, as a possible temporary 'solution': we use the XYplorer File Manager for Windows (instead of Windows Explorer). Using his tool, you can select one SDLXLIFF file, then use CTRL+M to select all SDLXLIFF files (i.e. all files of the same format as the one selected) and finally use Ctrl+Shft+I to invert this selection (i.e. all files in another format than SDLXLIFF). So this allows you to quickly select (and then compress) all target files, even for larger volumes of files and even if there is a mixture of Word, Excel and PowerPoint files for example. Best regards, Lieven

  • Hi Julia, as a possible temporary 'solution': we use the XYplorer File Manager for Windows (instead of Windows Explorer). Using his tool, you can select one SDLXLIFF file, then use CTRL+M to select all SDLXLIFF files (i.e. all files of the same format as the one selected) and finally use Ctrl+Shft+I to invert this selection (i.e. all files in another format than SDLXLIFF). So this allows you to quickly select (and then compress) all target files, even for larger volumes of files and even if there is a mixture of Word, Excel and PowerPoint files for example. Best regards, Lieven

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