Under Community Review

Colors of buttons and to indicate status of projects

In the New Project wizard, it would be great if the Next button could have a color other than white. As it is, the button Finish is green, which draws your attention to it and makes it easy to find, while all other buttons, including Next and Cancel, are white, but most times I want to move step by step rather than jumping directly to Finish, and it would help if the Next button was eg. light green or perhaps yellow or another color than white to make it easier to find and to avoid pressing the very visible green Finish button by mistake.

Also, in the Projects view, I suggest changing the text in the Status column to color markers, eg. green for Completed and yellow for In progress or something similar. As it is, it is difficult to get a quick overview of your projects because all the status texts look similar.

I am using Studio 2019 version