Under Community Review

Confirm Segment but Don’t Add to TM option

Sometimes it is required to confirm a split or incomplete segment (to keep confirmation statistics, for example) without adding it to TM (because it is split, incomplete, or the source text is wrong). 

The simplest way to add such function is to add a keyboard shortcut for Change Segment Status to Translated option already present in Studio. But it would also be nice to have a real Confirm Segment but Don’t Add to TM option with auto-propagation of the same segments, because Studio can auto-propagate 100% segments without any TM enabled.

I am aware that you can simply turn off TM update, confirm a segment and then turn it on again (or use Change Segment Status option from the right-click menu), but this requires 3-4 additional mouse clicks and a simple shortcut is much better.

  • Another example is when some fragments are already translated which results in target appearing in the source column. Say, your client wanted to facilitate your work and auto-replaced all measurement units in a table with 'Measurement Units' column into target language. You don't need to translate them, but you still need auto-propagation to avoid copying source to target and then change segment status or enable/disable TM update  200 times.

    Definitely seconded.

  • Another example is when some fragments are already translated which results in target appearing in the source column. Say, your client wanted to facilitate your work and auto-replaced all measurement units in a table with 'Measurement Units' column into target language. You don't need to translate them, but you still need auto-propagation to avoid copying source to target and then change segment status or enable/disable TM update  200 times.

    Definitely seconded.

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