Under Community Review

Create a possibility of adding variables and abbreviations to language resources on the fly

When working with Studio it is quite often necessary to add variables and/or abbrevations to the language resources list of your working TMs. Especially when working with project TMs it ends up in quite a hard job, as you have to open the language resources of TWO TMs at least and add the variables/abbreviations there. Takes lots of time - but could be done easily on the fly, if that would be just made possible.

  • I completely agree with this idea. Using apps/plugins isn't the right solution because there is a refresh issue preventing them from being available for use reliably without a Studio restart.  It should be a feature within the product

  • The lack of this functionality is a major shortcoming in Studio compared to other tools, particularly when using Studio with voice recognition. I am forced to use a DIY method involving an AutoHotKey script and a plugin (WordBird).

  • Rather than creating a separate idea (although I can do if that would be better), I would add to this: it would make more sense for Variables Lists to be independent of TMs.
    In other words:
    - have one global Variables List that's accessible irrespective of whether or not a TM is attached and irrespective of the source language of the document
    - allow users to edit (delete/add entries) to their list in bulk AND on the fly
    - store the list somewhere it can easily be backed up (.sdlprofile file, like AutoText) ?