Under Community Review

Create return package task should contain the "Translation count" task

When working with translation packages, quite often you need to run a translation count task before the delivery, as Trados Studio not always updates the wordcount in the project. Would the "Create return package" task already include the translation count task, a lot of time could be saved.


    ok - understood.  So really an enhancement idea needed because of your way of working (and possibly others too), unless the opening of the return package could be made to always refresh the count first which would be my preferred solution.


    Dear Paul

    This is not the reason here.

    You might remember our Devils presentations, where I have shown some of my working ways. The main reason here is the following: after receiving some packages from the same client, I create my own project with subfolders for each customers package. There I put the sdlxliff file(s) from the packages and translate them in my own project. This is faster, as I do not need to change the settings in each package to match my QA criteria and other settings and I can also profit from cross-file-repetitions. The QA done on all these files delivers also better results in terms of consistency and terminology. When ready, I copy the files from my project and overwrite those in the customer packages. Now, when creating the return packages Trados Studio does of course not know, that the files are translated. Would I create the package without counting the translated words, the receiving PM could see an untranslated file and even not import the package at all. This additional step (translation count) takes time. And as I do that many times in a month, it sums up to quite a long period of time over the year.

    I hope this clarifies the background.


    Is this just a workaround to the problem of the translation count not being updated in the UI?  If it then I think the more appropriate solution would be to fix the refresh issues in general.

    If it's because you just want a translation count for yourself then I guess you can simply run the batch task... unless it's this that you want to save time for in not having to actually run this task before or after sending your package?

    Just wanted some clarification to your idea.

  • Good idea, I also often don't know the translated words count when returning the project and need to relay on what the payer counts.