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Cross-file fuzzy match leverage

A much needed option. If there are several files in the project, they can be quite similar and can not only have cross-file repetitions, but also have cross-file fuzzy matches, i.e. a translated segment from one file may be a 99% match for a segment in another file in the project and so on. It is very important, because the real amount of words to be translated differs in such a case from the amount provided by Studio.

Currently, Studio does not identify such cross-file fuzzy matches when analyzing, so we have to combine the files to be translated into one .sdlxliff and analyze it. Then all possible cross-file fuzzy matches are shown in the analysis for this combined file as internal fuzzy matches. Of course, it consumes additional time, because it is necessary to create new project in this case. And at the same time, MemSource (for example) does it by default and shows fuzzy matches including internal fuzzy matches and cross-file fuzzy matches. So, it would be very useful to make Studio show in an analysis cross-file fuzzy matches too.

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