Under Community Review

custom filter bar

create a new custom filter bar for easy access and predefined filters

Screenshot of SDL Trados Studio - Project 1 with a custom filter bar labeled 'Simple Filter' at the top. The filter bar includes a search field with 'Target' selected and the word 'info' entered. Below are segments of text in a side-by-side view of Source and Target translations, with highlighted search results for 'info'. No visible errors or warnings.

  • QA filter, all QA segments are to be viewed in the Editor's view

    1- when the cursor is at Active segments, all errors appear in the Messages window, spellings, terms, punctuations, spaces, tags, etc,

    2- assign a button to correct Errors, and warnings, Automatically using AI (Claude sonnet 3.5, gpt4o, etc)

  • This is already possible with Advanced Display Filter, where you can save and import filter profiles.

    On top of this, the Filter in Review tab stores the recently used expressions, so it also makes easy to reach simple filters.