Under Community Review

custom shortcut for a combined action


Can we achieve the above please? Let us say I want to:

translate a segment, then upon closing and moving to the next segment, I want to have it confirmed, change status to any status I want, then have it locked. I want to achieve this as I work on any file or set of files, and not to filter for the segments I recently translated then keep making that combined action, step by step.

This can be achieved if I have a feature that allows me to customize a shortcut for a combined action.

I hope that you can really do this because it is very very practical, at least in my work flow. 



    The combination of Autohotkey, the Autohotkey manager (https://appstore.rws.com/Plugin/22) and AIs that can code should make this possible even for people who do not code at all. I entered this into Copilot:

    "using autohotkey 2.0, write a script that presses first Alt v, then v, then twice the tab key. This script should only execute if SDLTradosStudio.exe is the active application and it should only run one single instance. Please sleep for 250 milliseconds between each keystroke. The script should be executed if the user presses Alt + v. Thank you!"

    This is what I got:

    #SingleInstance Force

    ; Define the hotkey Alt + v
        ; Check if SDLTradosStudio.exe is the active application
        if WinActive("ahk_exe SDLTradosStudio.exe")
            ; Send the keystrokes with 250ms sleep between each
            Send "{Alt down}v{Alt up}"
            Sleep 250
            Send "v"
            Sleep 250
            Send "{Tab}"
            Sleep 250
            Send "{Tab}"

    Very simple scripts like this should work straight from the AI without any need to brush them up.

  • in the meantime you could use AHK (Autohotkey) to reproduce all these steps when hitting a certain shortcut. Just tell AHK which shortcut you want to use and which set of commands it should execute when it's hit.