Under Community Review

Defining curly apostrophes (quotes) as default for all projects (=not only in the Editor)

We would like to haben the apostrophes always written the same way, that is the curly ones, not the straight ones.

It would be great having the possibility to select these curly apostrophes as the basic feature for all Trados projects.

And also: including for texts coming from our Deepl add-in. 

  • Hi  

    Does this script work with both double and single apostrophes, and is it simply converting from straight to curly (AKA smart)?

    Could it also be used for 'guillemets'? I've never used AutoHotKey but I really should make the effort to learn...

    All the best,

    Ali Smiley

  • Thanks. I haven't used AutoHotkey for a while. I should definitely give it another chance. And I think you're right: a plugin would be helpful here too.


    Hello Julien,

    Thanks for coming in on this thread. It is interesting what combinations of punctuation some end clients prefer; then there's whether they want spaces between number and unit of measurement. 

    I guess giving a definite preference prevents documentation containing a mix of all possibilities.

    It would be a great idea if someone would program a localisation plugin with customisable settings for each language and each potential prefernece in that language!

    Did you notice that   has written an AutoHotKey script that will produce curly quotes. Perhaps it would be possible to write one that converts to guillemets.

     ,   - did you see Alessia's post?

    All the best,

    Ali Smiley

  • Hello Ali! I can confirm the way Trados deals with quote replacement can be frustrating in French. I use ASCII codes most of the time. I never entirely rely on the AutoCorrect feature. Some clients want French quotation marks (Guillemets) and straight single quotes in the same project. Don't ask me why! My life is sooo wonderful! So, I'd be happy to have something more customisable :-)

  • I’ve done a AutoHotKey script so each time that I hit an apostroph this one is courbed.
    It works everywhere except on Internet browers (I do not know why :-))
    If you need the script I can post it