Under Community Review

double-click to insert term translation

In the Term Recognition window right-click on a translated term enables the choice of "insert the term translation". The same should be done by double-click on any translated term.

  • Quick tip - you can press keyboard shortcuts to achieve this more quickly - Ctrl+Shift+L to show all found terms, then Arrow Up/Down and Enter to insert. Or you can use AutoSuggest: type the first letter of any found term, then press Enter once it shows up or again use arrow keys to select the desired term.

  • Quick tip - you can press keyboard shortcuts to achieve this more quickly - Ctrl+Shift+L to show all found terms, then Arrow Up/Down and Enter to insert. Or you can use AutoSuggest: type the first letter of any found term, then press Enter once it shows up or again use arrow keys to select the desired term.
