Idea Delivered

This is now possible - if you click inside the box above all segment IDs (left column) you will select all segments. You may need to scroll one line up to see the box. Or you can use the keyboard shortcut associated with it. (Delivered with CU3 for Studio 2019 SR1)

Editor view - add a small icon to select all segments

I always felt there should be a quick select icon next to the file name (above the segments' iDs). Quite often selecting the segments gets annoying for large files where the focus is lost and you have to select the segments with your mouse and then use the keyboard shortcuts. 

Here's an ASCII art showing my idea of the icon:



And now, the ASCII art screenshot from the Studio editor view:


| No match.                                    |[                       |


|                                                    ||                      ||



[1] [Sample Photoprinter] [............]

[2] [Way more photoprinters] [............]


Tooltip: {Select all segments}