Under Community Review

feature to choose/or not to import the comments in any XLIFF file into a translation memory

Dear colleagues,

That is a very important feature, as in many times, we do need to include the comments in any xliff file to be imported along with the translated segment itself.

Hope that makes sense.



  • Exactly... thank you Alessia.  I completely agree.

  •  In this particular scenario, I would not run a pretranslate the file with the updated TM, but use Perfect Match (with the option of maintaining the original status of the segments). Alternatively, if you use StudioViews to split the master file, you can reimport the splits with the specific StudioViews function.

    In either case, comments are retained and, more importantly, also other information, e.g. match percentage, which you loose with the pretranslate process.

  • Hi Paul, thanks for your reply. I see your point, but here is the scenario:

    1. I am proofreading a translation done by a colleague in the file he/she sent to me, and some segments have comments. I edited the file heavily.
    2. As I go I sort the comments/queries, and remove them after sorting them out, but some of them must stay as these will be queries that I need the end client to have a look at.

    3. I then open the master file that is going to be sent to the client (this master file can have all translations done by this translator or other translators just in case the file is large and we split it among 3 or 4 translators, and I either run or pretranslate the file with my updated revisions from TM, and that is why I want to retain the comments or queries that should be shared with the end client instead of having to write them all over again or having to open the XLIFF in an external reviewer to copy them from.

    4. Probably it would be a good idea to have a functionality in the comment plugin to export the comments to an external xliff file or the like and reimport them once again in the master file that is to be sent to the client.

    Is this idea clearer now Paul?

    I hope so.



  • It would be helpful, when posting any idea, to explain why this is a good idea.  I can think of plenty of reasons why it's a bad idea, and plenty why it might be a good one... but overall I think they are better kept outside of the TM and in some other more appropriate way to share comments in a project,  The XLIFF itself for example.