Under Community Review

Font type and size control

For a long time and continuing, font adaptation to various screens (standard Full HD and up to 2K) is not ideal.

The Settings Options are not covering all parts of the software (termbase viewer is one bad example).
On the opprosite Hitlist Settings comes as handy.
Missing fonts 13 and 15 in font adapation is an everyday issue on the editor depending on the font from the source document.

The custom language font in the Options does not seems to work and the list of languages should be only showring the default languages setup, as very new people live in Djibouti or are using Afar.

My hope is to see a more comprehensive set of options.
The best one would be that the Ctrl+ and Ctrl- shortcut works on every screens in the next desktop version.

Thank you


    You should use the forum for this because you clutter the idea comments with irrelevant content.  I cannot move these to a forum.  Anyway, ot means if you have formatting changes within the document they will take precedence over the default font for the whole file.

  • Paul F,

    Can you help me here.

    I could not get to change the fonts in the editor to "Apsos".

    I can select Apsos and hit OK for both English and French languages from my project, but the chsen font do not show u in the Editor.

    Screenshot of Trados Studio showing English (United States) to French (France) language pair with Translation Memory and Automated Translation settings.

    Screenshot of Trados Studio's Custom Language Fonts setting for English (United States) with 'Aptos' selected as the font.

    Screenshot of Trados Studio's Custom Language Fonts setting for French (France) with 'Aptos' selected as the font.

    I am not sure about the comment above "Choose the default font for a language to use when editing. If document specific formatting is shown this may override the default font."

    What means "document specific formatting"

    The original Default font is still there in the Editor and it is most likely "Calibri".

    I created those 3 fonts is Word and pasted the view from the Font Calibration windows to see the differences and identify the font.

    The letter capital C is clearly indicative of "Calibri" as it is quite distinctvely shaped in the other 2 fonts. 

    Screenshot of font selection window with samples of 'Calibri', 'Aptos', and 'Arial' fonts displayed, highlighting the distinct shape of the capital 'C' in 'Calibri'.


    Paul P


    Gets my vote... but just noting that the custom language font does work... it is just a poor UI and always lists every language supported so that you have can set your language.  Once set you cannot see this unless you go and find the language you applied this to.