Under Community Review

Function to batch-update/create project templates for new Studio version

(I couldn't find this idea anywhere, so I hope this is not a duplicate of an already existing idea)

It is always a lot of manual work for our project managers when we are updating from one Studio version to the next having to manually recreate Studio project templates: Due to the fact that we have a complex environment, and need to test a newly released Studio version in our test environment before it goes live in our productive environment, and also for reference/archive purposes of the old templates, we need to recreate all our project templates before testing a new Studio version, to be able to do comparative analyses etc. Currently, this is possible via

1. Create a project in the new Studio version using a project template created in the old Studio version and at the end of project creation, select "Create a new project template based on this project", or

2. If you have a project created with the project template in the old Studio version, open that project in the new Studio version and select “Create Project Template” on the Home Ribbon

Both options above require several manual steps. We could also create a copy of the .sdltpl file from the old Studio version, and rename that copy or place it into a separate folder for the new version, however, since the GUID does not change when you copy a template file, when comparing projects created with templates from the different Studio versions, it would show the wrong project template name in "Project Details" for at least one of the projects (depending whether any of the project templates are loaded into Studio under File > Setup > Project Templates, and if both are in the list, which template is above the other).

It would therefore be much easier to have a batch function in Studio to recreate project templates, so that new project template files are created from the old template files, so that the GUIDs differ. I understand that it is also possible to manually change the GUID in the .sdltpl file in an Editor, but I doubt this is a "clean" and recommended procedure (or is it?).

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