Idea Delivered Partially

Delivered partially through AnyTM. Beyond that it's tricky to do this, for instance since all linguistic pattern recognition (times, dates, numbers, measurements etc.) is based on the specific regional languages - e.g. English UK times are very different from English US ones, the same goes for measurements etc. So this is by design in a way but AnyTM was introduced to have a pragmatic solution for those cases where you would like to work with several regional variants at the same time.

Give us translators an option to simply add "English" as source language when creating a TM

Hi Studio developers

I would like to have an option to simple add "English" (not US, UK, or other variants) as source language when creating a TM, so that the TM can be used and accept translation records from other English variants no matter language pair a project is based. 

Thank you!!!

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