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Greater latitude, please, in determining the date format

Hullo Paul and the SDL ideas team,

Please could the individual user have more control in selecting/programming the date format?

One of my current end-clients, while wishing for US spelling, wishes nevertheless to have the European English format. What I require is d MMMM yyyy, arbitrarily unobtainable in Studio 2017 when US spelling is selected: my software insists on adding a leading zero to the single-digit day date and, in addition, the comma included in the US date format remains stuck in the date (the aberrant format is 0d MMM, YYYY), necessitating removal by hand. Additionally, I find it difficult to select a disambiguated short date format: from the French dd/mm/yy (or yyyy) to mmm d, yy (or again, yyyy)

Ideally, the standard formats should be proposed, yet with entire discretion for the individual translator to vary them as the end-client requires.

I should welcome your feedback on my request, stating feasibility and lead time. Having to jig dates as stated here handicaps productivity. Having "beefed" like billy-o, I should state that I welcome the opportunity to air one's needs, and appreciate the time and attention devoted by our SDL moderators.

With kind regards,

Adam Warren.

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