Idea Delivered

We delivered this a while back with Studio 2021 and later.

Group new words and missing words together in fuzzy matches

The way it is now, when a fuzzy match is found in a TM, if there is a string of several words which differs between the source in the TM and the source in the source file in the Translation Results window (shown with red and green text), the red and green word will often be shown alternately (one red word, one green word, one red word, one green word, etc.). This makes it hard to make out exactly which string is missing and which string has been added to the current source text compared to the one in the TM. It would be much easier to see if the whole green string was shown as one continuous string followed by the whole red string (or vice versa - but as whole strings, not as single red and green words mixed up between one another).

In the screendump I have attached as an example, I suggest that Studio is made to group "An area of approximately" together as one red group of words followed by "In connection with rock placement ..." grouped together as one green group of words. That way I can more easily see the string that has been removed and the one that has been added, as opposed to now where the words are mixed up.