Under Community Review

Highlight upLIFT segments in Editor window

The upLIFT feature is handy but I have noticed that it results in a significant upturn in the number of minor errors slipping through during translation because the changes are only marked in the Segment Matches window but not the editor window, so the eye is constantly jumping back and forth to check what was actually changed where. This makes it particularly error prone when there are multiple upLIFT segments in the middle of a chunk of text. "Stray" words or parts of words often slip through I find so during translation, it would be better if there was (at least as an option) highlighting of the upLIFT segment, including one word to the left and right of the upLIFT segment i.e. something like this (I've marked the notional upLIFT segment in orange and in yellow the one word either side but it needn't be this fancy in Studio, just one colour should do I think)

So if a a segments has been uplifted, there should be was highlighting around them to make it much clearer where they are.

This only has to be temporary i.e. when you close and accept the unit, it should go away.

It's possible that this is not so much of an issue when translating TO English but translating FROM English into other languages, especially when there are One To Many correspondences involved, stuff ends up in weird places.