Having multiple permissible translation units for the same string is common, especially when going English > Another Language as English is, well, full of ambiguity of the pérvert vs pervért kind. When you come across a unit that requires a different translation, you can Add As New Unit, at which point both the old and new unit are shown in green in the Translation Results. Dandy.
However, next time Studio encounters the same source string, the matches are shown in orange because it applies a Multiple Translations Penalty. I'm fine with the penalty but unfortunately these are shown in the same orange that partial matches are show. I there have now quick way of determining (by looking at the colors) if these are already registered as TU units. As a result, I find myself hitting Shift-Ctrl-U constantly to Add As New Unit because I don't want to run the risk of NOT having legit multiples in the TM.
It would be a LOT more helpful if multiple units that a user has added via Add As New Unit could be made a color other than orange. Perhaps a lighter shade of green?