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Improvement for all filetypes in Studio

In Trados Studio most filetypes offer some sort of support for embedded content.  It could be improved considerably by ensuring they all offered a consistent approach and also a flexible one so that the user could take advantage of both filetype nesting (using another filetype like html for example to handle embedded content) AND the ability to use regular expressions for anything that the embedded content processor could not pick up.  For example, html content that also contained non-translatable placeholders in curly brackets.

This has been done by the AppStore team already with the Multilingual XML and Excel filetypes so there is a precedent to demonstrate how this can be achieved.  Here we can see we have this option for the embedded content processor:

Trados Studio Options window showing Embedded Content settings with 'Process embedded content using the following processor' selected and 'Html Embedded Content' chosen from the dropdown menu.

And here for the placeholders:

Trados Studio Options window with Placeholders settings showing a list of placeholder patterns and their descriptions, such as 'Placeholder tags using one or more curly brackets and containing any content'.

It's not an either or situation.  There is also another improvement where these filetypes will automatically handle basic html without the need for a processor at all thereby improving the user experience for files containing this type of content.

Please can these improvements be carried over to every filetype in Studio?

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