Idea Delivered Partially

Delivered partially through app Rapid Add Term (RAT) available from (Apologies for not updating the status earlier).

Improving drastically the speed of adding new entries in the TD

Currently if the TermViewer window is not attached, adding a term takes up to 10-15 secondes for opening the window, refreshing the list twice and then displaying the term (when using the "fast shortcut Shift-Ctrl-2") - absolutely unbearable (on a iCore 7 computer)

When attaching the window in the panel so it is always visible - it stills take a few second to refresh twice the list of terms - and longer is the list of terms in the TD - longer is the refresh.

a) when the TermViewer is not visible - adding a term with Shift-Ctrl-2 should not open the TermViewer windows to display it - but simply add the term to the TD and update any window currently opened such as TermRecognition (if opened and on the screen.)

b) if the TermViewer is visible on the screen - the list refresh should be optimized so that the list of terms is display only once - rapidly.

This feature would make the use of TD a breeze.

  • It's always being annoying how the Teambase Viewer slows everything down. You just have to stop doing whatever you're doing to wait for it to finish every single time you Add a new term or explore the terms.... Don't the programmers see this bug? Maybe they don't use Windows and don't have this problem, but as far as I've used SDL (since 2014), the termbase thing has been the most annoying issue.

  • It's always being annoying how the Teambase Viewer slows everything down. You just have to stop doing whatever you're doing to wait for it to finish every single time you Add a new term or explore the terms.... Don't the programmers see this bug? Maybe they don't use Windows and don't have this problem, but as far as I've used SDL (since 2014), the termbase thing has been the most annoying issue.

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