Under Community Review

Make French compliant check separate punctuation criterion, instead of subordinate to the check for unintentional spaces before specified characters

Dear SDL Community,

In the QA Checker 3.0, you can check for unintentional spaces before specified characters:

Screenshot of Trados Studio Ideas QA Checker 3.0 settings showing options for punctuation checks with 'Check for unintentional spaces before' and 'French compliant check' highlighted.

This can be considered a target-language-independent criterion.

However, if we want to check a French translation, merely checking the box next to French compliant check leads to all sorts of false positive errors. Depending on which variant for French is being checked, whoever runs the QA check must remove the unnecessary characters from that field as well as check the box French compliant check. I believe it would be better if this were a separate criterion, similar to the check for Spanish punctuation, with a separate field to enter the relevant characters for this check only. This way, the project manager could define these characters ahead of package creation, so that the French translator need only check the box for the French compliant check.

Kind regards,

Bart Van Maele

Yamagata Europe