Idea Delivered Partially

Setting to "Idea Deliverd Partially" as the APIs are available for the developer community to pick this up and publish it via the app store.

ModernMT plugin or better yet, a generic plugin that supports REST APIs

Hi there,

Is there any chance for a plug-in that supports ModernMT.  ?


Right now, there are some NMT solutions that ship with REST server, so it would be great if there is a plug-in that can fetch get requests from these servers and can consume:

Post, Get, Put requests.


Any chance for such a plug-in please? 




  •  Thanks Paul for your reply. Can you please direct me to one of these open-source plugins that I can use as a basis?

    Which part of the SDK I need to focus on to create such plug-in?

    One last question:

    Do you recommend a developer who can do this if I need to?



  •  Thanks Paul for your reply. Can you please direct me to one of these open-source plugins that I can use as a basis?

    Which part of the SDK I need to focus on to create such plug-in?

    One last question:

    Do you recommend a developer who can do this if I need to?



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