Please improve the quality of machine translation for "Cloud-based resources" and add a pre-translation feature for terminology intervention on the downloaded trados studio on computer.: Status History

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  • Idea Delivered Partially

    Looking at our ecosystem, we can see that Baidu is a very popular MT engine in China, perhaps it's worth investigating it more to see if you could integrate it into your workflows. We will also keep improving Language Weaver for the free solution, but it's great to know we have such a flexible CAT tool with now 100+ NMT/AI translation providers via apps so you can pick and choose what you need. On the topic number 2, we have delivered this with Studio 2024 and the AI Assistant. The AI Assistant can take any NMT and replace terms with the terms in your termbase. You can find more documentation on it in This is brand new functionality and you need a paid OpenAI subscription for this at this point. More AI providers will come, and hopefully most/all of them will be terminology aware. We are setting the idea to "delivered partially" against this background.

  • New

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