Under Community Review

Please provide a keyboard shortcut for the "Replace straight quotes with smart quotes" toggle

We frequently translate software strings where you need straight quotes and then change to other kinds of text where smart quotes are needed, requiring to toggle the "Replace straight quotes with smart quotes" nearly every time we move over to another text.

The possibility to define a keyboard shortcut for this feature would be much appreciated, being a real time-saver.



Annette (from Manfreds account)

  • Just a comment, automation most likely works with double quotes but single quote conversion is a little harder to automate, even in English there are cases where ' before a letter may be a word character rather than punctuation, take ’tis (it's not the best example but it's the only one that stuck in my memory). For other locales, single quotes are much more common as word characters (like our word for "and" which can be is or ’s).

  • Just a comment, automation most likely works with double quotes but single quote conversion is a little harder to automate, even in English there are cases where ' before a letter may be a word character rather than punctuation, take ’tis (it's not the best example but it's the only one that stuck in my memory). For other locales, single quotes are much more common as word characters (like our word for "and" which can be is or ’s).

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