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Quick Batch Tasks - No prompts, no wizard


Would it be possible any automation to create a button in upper ribbon that can be customised to trigger a batch task WITHOUT any disruption other than eventually saving the current opened files?

I mean triggering an "Analyze" batch task with current options configured in project, and running it in the background while I can safely keep on progressing. It would be great since currently you need to:

1. Click on batch task.

2. Wait for project to sync (if it's GS-hosted).

3. Pick your Batch Task.

4. Click Next.

5. Click Finish.

6. Click Close.

7. Click Ok when prompted to reopen files.

8. Go back to where you left.

Maybe we could speed this process up? I'm envisioning some customisation even, so we could choose "Analyze", "Pretranslate", "Verify" or any other task.

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