The default assignment of key combinations to functions is currently highly inconsistent, reducing the utility of shortcuts and the overall ergonomy of SDL Trados Studio for anyone except those having devised their own system.
From F1 to F12, this row should be assigned to the stages within a project, from creating or opening a project to running the verifications and generating the target documents
A much more ergonomic shortcut is required to replace the current default based on a standard-sized key
Ctrl + space to quickly insert a symbol
Number pad
For applying and managing ressources (translation memories, term bases, automatically suggested fragments)
Ctrl + 1/2/3 to insert first/second/third translation result
Ctrl + + to insert suggested fragment
Ctrl + * to perform a concordance search
Ctrl + Delete to delete the suggested translation unit
Alt (Gr)
Alternate forms and alternating between forms
Alt Gr + A to change the case of highlighted text
Alt Gr + - to insert a longer hyphen
Alt Gr + shift + - to insert an extra-length hyphen
Alt Gr + space to insert a non-breaking space
Alt Gr + C/T/R for the symbols ©/®/TM
For the purposes of navigation, selection and confirmation
Ctrl + ↵ to confirm a segment
Ctrl + ← to confirm a segment without progressing to the next
Ctrl + → + segment number to navigate to a segment
Ctrl + Home to navigate to the start of the document
Ctrl + ⇓/Page down to select all segments
Ctrl + Tab to reset the filters (to display all segments)