Under Community Review

Not sure if this is possible - does Microsoft Word have the concept of severity in comments?

Reflecting the level of importance of comments also in the final document


I do not know if this was already requested, but I would appreciate if the level of importance I give to the comments I insert in Studio's editor was reflected in some way in the comments that are left in the target document, mainly in Word documents (if such option is chosen in Studio's options).

Screenshot of Trados Studio options showing 'Conserver les commentaires cibles Studio dans le fichier cible' option circled in red.

Screenshot of a Trados Studio comment editing window with 'Niveau de severite' dropdown set to 'Erreur' highlighted in yellow.

This parameter may be as important in the final document as in the editor, when reviewing it (or when you want to draw the client's or DTP's attention on some important point).

It could take the form of a coloured bullet, or of some highlighting, or whatever, according to the materiality of the note.

Screenshot of a Word document comment bubble with text 'Ajuster le saut de ligne ici a la reconstitution' from user 'PhR' dated 29 March 2023.

It seems there is no such feature at this point.

Thanks in advance for your consideration

  • Not sure if Microsoft Word has the concept of severity in comments, but comments fonts are customizable (font color, highlighting). So, there maybe some way to do if through code.
    Also, one could think of adding some bullet or other symbol to the the comment content to make the severity level more visible.