Under Community Review

Remove warning prompt about overwriting existing settings in New Project wizard when selecting a template (or make it optional)

When selecting a template in the New Project Wizard, you get a warning that you are about to overwrite existing settings in the template. This seems unnecessary - the whole point of selecting a template is to replace existing settings with the settings of the template. I suggest removing this warning prompt (or making it optional, perhaps with a "Do not show this again" checkbox). It gets annoying having to click endless warnings and information prompts once you have gotten used to how Studio works.

  • I’d like to add a bit of context to this suggestion, with which I full-heartedly agree...

    In Trados Studio 2017, the "This change will overwrite all of the settings you have defined. Are you sure you want to continue?" warning prompt only appeared when, after selecting the project template on the first screen and making changes in further screens, you came back to the first screen and selected a different template. Which made sense, because you had made changes that weren’t specified in the template, so selecting a different template would undo those changes.

    However, in Trados Studio 2019, this warning prompt appears whenever you change the template, even if you haven’t made any other changes. I suspect this is because a lot of information can be entered in the One Step screen (project name, file and file type settings, etc.), where the project template is also selected. But Trados Studio should be able to detect whether any other changes have already been made on the One Step screen before the project template selection.

    In our case, the only time the warning is warranted is when we select a project template, enter the project name and files, then we get to the translation memories screen and realize we’ve selected the wrong template, so we have to go back and select a new one (this happens in maybe 0.5% of projects), in which case the second time we get the warning, it’s warranted, but the first time was still unnecessary. The warning prompt only involves one additional click, but it’s one additional click multiplied by the number of project you create, which, if you’re a project manager, can be a lot!

    Please, please, please, only show the warning if changes other than template selection have already been made, or, as Dennis suggests, add a "Do not show this again" checkbox.