Under Community Review

Report View (Analysis) Improvements

I think there are a lot of ways the reports view could be improved.
Here are a few things:

1. You should be able to copy text in the reports view
2. I would like to be able to customize what is shown.
For example, if I do not use AdaptiveMT, I do not want to show those columns.
3. I would like to be able to select text per column
4. A simple way to exclude/include files from the total count.

  • Couple additions:

    1. Reports for very large projects (say over 100 files) take too long. All I want to see it the total, so perhaps skip loading the per-file analysis?

    2. When you delete a report from the Reports folder, Trados Studio throws a "System.IO.FileNotFoundException".

    Instead just automatically remove the reports when you cannot find it.