Idea Delivered Partially

Setting to "Idea delivered partially" based on the comments.

Return doesn't segment the sentences for Excel source

For the Excel source, returns (new lines) are recognized as spaces, and several sentences are included in one segment. It would be nice if the sentences are segmented by return.

  • Miki, Angelos way does work. The period has nothing to do with a period in your sentences. It is a regular expression which you have to set in your TM settings:

    #TM settings

    #Language ressources

    #Segmentation rules

    There you add a new rule, naming it e.g. soft return (as there are no hard returns in Excel as far as I know).

    Go to: Extended View and there you type in what Angelo has written.

    I have there...

    Before end of segment


    After end of segment


    That works fine.

  • Thank you for your advice, Angelo. Most of the sentences doesn't have a period at the end. They just have a line break.  I hope this could be solved in filetype settings in the future.

  • Having this as GLOBAL setting in TM is nonsense. This should be configurable in the filetype settings, as it used to be back in Trados 2007.

  • Hi, you can already do that if you change your segmentation rules adding one for the returns (new lines) as I did:

    I wanted to send you a screenshot with the settings, but there is no option here to attach the screenshot.

    It woud be like this

    Before break


    After break


    Let me know if it works.

    Kind regards
