Under Community Review

Save/Export Errors and Warnings from Batch Task Results as Report

For several of the batch task functions a report is not created in the reports section of the project. For many of them it makes sense not to save a report every time in order to avoid cluttering the project with unnecessary reports, but in certain scenarios it would be good to at least have the option to save out the results. I propose adding the option from the "results" window to save the list of warnings and errors as an excel report.

Take this scenario for example which I run into quite frequently. When performing a Batch Tasks > Update from bilingual review, if there were any changes from the reviewer on locked segments those reviews do not import. However, in my case the client would like us to implement the changes on any locked segments because they've decided to update how they've translated things in the past. Best practices would be for the client to notify us of this intent to change before starting translation so we can unlock them before review, but in reality it's more likely that the reviewers don't change their mind until they're already reviewing the text.

Unfortunately, there is no way to unlock the segments and re-import the word docs as a blanket fix because then it refuses to import the changes on the grounds that the segment in Studio was changed after the review file was exported, in which case none of the segments import rather than just the locked ones.

The results window gives you a nice list of the file name and segments which were not imported due to the segments being locked. However, the only way to view them is in the results window, and once you've closed that window the results are gone forever. Studio doesn't allow you to perform any tasks while the results window is open either, so you can't just leave it open while you work on the issues. As of right now, the only way to continue is to take screenshots of the errors and save them as images. On larger jobs with many files there could be hundreds of errors, so you have to take multiple screenshots.

It would be much better and more efficient if you could just save the warnings and errors out as a report directly from the results window to be referred to later or sent to the linguist so they can cross-reference the segment numbers with the tracked word docs.